tisdag 17 juni 2008

There's a certain feeling to walking by a graveyard at the break of dawn, when the birds are singing loudly.

Tonight was filled with saying goodbye, mixed with "see you at the reunion" and "see you in Amsterdam". Danique had her last fika with 10+ people at Tant Anci och Fröken Sara where we stayed for two and a half hour. Pictures can be found at Kitty's.

The rest of the evening was spent at Tornvillan, where I packed up some things that would otherwise have been thrown away by people who are leaving.

I've also bought my last unhealthy snack - a TipTop icecream cone, which btw costs 8 crowns more now than when it was my favorite - before saving up for my driver's license. There, I said it and now I will have to follow through. Coffee doesn't count.

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