måndag 22 december 2008

I'm still alive... I've kind of missed writing in my blog so here I am again!

The beginning of this semester was quite stressful for me, so I fell out of the habit of posting. Now I'm just about to move to Stockholm, for my internship at the local newspaper Mitt i Stockholm - while also doing schoolwork and travelling for Christmas - so it's not much less going on now. I'd hate to live a boring life, though.

Today I've just been lazy and catching up on sleep, as I might need that for the coming weeks. Although I did do some genealogic research while in bed - enough to find out I have yet another German ancestor. I suppose it really is time for me to learn German - or at least visit Germany for a holiday!

This weekend I visited my aunt in Ö-vik. Then I also photographed some of her old pictures she got from my grandmother. I might even have found one of my great grandfather's brother, who died as a child. No names are written on the back and I can only get clues from other pictures of his parents, taken 30 years later. What do you think?

This would be taken around 1910 if it's them. The older boy would be my great grandfather - or some complete stranger. These people don't look similar to anyone else in the family.

Frans and Helga Andersson - my great great grandparents, photographed by my grandfather in 1940, funny enough in a village named Ulrika.

Here's also some Swedish snow - or rather "rimfrost" - for any of you who might miss it.

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