torsdag 21 augusti 2008

I've been challenged... by my knitting friend Mrs Petersson. I'll pass the challenge along to my fellow journalist students Sara, Sus, Ida and Mika. (Yes, you have to pass along to four people & then let me know when you've posted your answers!)

* What five items are on your to-do-list today?
1. Respond to emails I've been lazy enough to ignore for the past days. (OK, weeks for some... sorry about that!)
2. Drink coffee in order to stay awake to do so.
3. Make my bed.
4. Clean my bathroom.
5. Make a to-do-list for what I need to do before uni starts again... only one and a half week left of vacation!

* What did you do ten years ago?
I was at this big youth camp in Karlskrona, arranged by the church. The days were filled with activities but I can't recall that much of them... except for making friends with Lovisa and Josefin & making out with this cute guy from Israel. I haven't heard from him since & I still don't know if he really did have a girlfriend back home or if he just told me so since he was 23 and found out I was younger than him. Though it was pretty romantic with the whole watching fireworks by the sea thing at the end of the camp.

* In what places have you lived?
Märsta, Visby, Umeå and Sundsvall for longer periods and now Gävle for this summer.

*Five things you would do as a billionaire!
(OK, I'll skip "give food to starving children" and such as that's so obvious...)
1. Travel! Anywhere, anyhow... and bring a much better camera.
2. Buy a good car - I don't care about brand names but it has to be fast, red and with black leather seats. I'd also get a good stereo and a driver's license to go with it.
3. While travelling I would buy a lot of clothes & shoes so naturally I'd have to get a big apartment in Stockholm with a walk-in closet to store them all.
4. Pay back my study loans.
5. Carry on the life I lead now, just with more expensive coffee, going out more often & never even consider making a lunch box.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Nu har jag svarat på frågorna. :)

Anonym sa...

Tjenare tösen!
Nu har jag antagit utmaningen, och svarat på dina frågor.
Kram :P
/ Mika